Joe Youssouf

Data Scientist at Preteckt


My name is Joe Youssouf and I'm a data scientist at Preteckt! Consider this landing page as a "Central Station" of sorts where you can find all of my relevant socials, blogs, and my CV. I also plan to decorate it with conference highlights, skill showcases, and maybe some fun front-end experiments as I continue to develop the site.

I hope you enjoy your stay and please feel free to reach out if you'd like to connect further!

Attending The Logic's 2024 Panel Discussion on Responsible AI in Canada.
I was selected as a delegate for the 2023 CUTA Young Leaders Summit, representing Preteckt!
I was reinvited to speak at Google Developers Group DevFest 2023!
The Preteckt Data Science team at ODSC West 2023 in San Francisco!
Presenting Anomaly Detection at Google Developers Group DevFest (Windsor-Essex), 2022.

Major Data Science Contributions

My Favourite Tools